Access Statement

Please read below our access and disability statement. We are always very happy to answer any questions so that you can establish if the accommodation is suitable for your needs.

If you have any special requirements or medical needs for either you, your fellow guests who you are booking on behalf of that you feel may not have been clarified by the text or photos on our website or the below access and Disability statement, please email us prior to booking. We will be able to answer any questions and help you establish if the accommodation is suitable for you. We will try to make any reasonable adjustments we can but it may not be possible to accommodate all your requests/requirements. In those cases it is your decision if you feel the accommodation is suitable and wish to book. We will not be held liable if you discover on arrival that the house is not suitable for your needs.

Access and Disability considerations for Number One Barn Cottages Iscoyd

Distance from parking to front door
5 yards on level surface
Steps to main door
Ground floor bedroom and bathroom
Shower type:
Shower cubicle
Door width
Steps within property
Access corridor, 1 step up
Specific features/detractions ie hand rails or particularly steep steps
Suitable outside space
One step down to level patio area

Access and Disability considerations for Number Two Barn Cottages Iscoyd

Distance from parking to front door
5 yards on level surface
Steps to main door
Ground floor bedroom and bathroom
Shower type:
Shower cubicle
Door width
Steps within property
Access corridor, 1 step up
Specific features/detractions ie hand rails or particularly steep steps
Suitable outside space
One step down to level patio area